Shop FAQ

1. Refund policy?

No refunds or Exchanges are given, All customized sales are Final.  

2. What do I do if my shipment is damaged upon arrival/missing an item?

Please contact me via email (contact button above)

3. Do you include tracking?

Yea tracking is available.  

4. When do orders get shipped out?

Orders typically ship out every Monday or Tuesday. For domestic orders, you can expect to see them arrive 1-2 weeks after you receive a shipping notification. While international orders typically take 7-21 days without delay, but up to a month or more.

6. Shipping to UK/EU?

Yes, but only stamped mail/flats are allowed at the moment. If any VAT import taxes/charges occur, I cannot be held liable for any additional fees. 

7. Any additional questions?

Please feel free to email me using the contact button above.